Crowdunfing for Restoring the Cloudforest

We want to replace ranching with pristine Cloudforest in Eastern Ecuador, connecting two National Parks.

Bird Conservation

Bird Conservation

Restoration In Eastern Cloudforest in Ecuador

Orchid Conservation

Orchid Conservation

Restoration In Eastern Cloudforest in Ecuador

Butterfly Conservation

Butterfly Conservation

Restoration In Eastern Cloudforest in Ecuador

Tree Nursery

Tree Nursery

Restoration In Eastern Cloudforest in Ecuador

The Adventure of Becoming: First Days

The Adventure of Becoming a Naturalist, my Early Days in the Field. Ecuador has huge variety of ecosystems through the territory. My scenario was the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador. Almost my entire life is being in the humidity. Spend time in the Andes mountains, Quito was base. My early days in the forest attending a

Watch “Searching for Ecuador Cloudforest Orchids???” on YouTube

The Beauty of the Orchids has captured humankind attention for thousands of years. In Ecuador, the smallest country in South America, one the richest landmark in Orchid diversity. Sumaco Ñahui is located between two major protected areas in Eastern Ecuador: The Sumaco-Galeras National Park and the Antisana Wildlife Reserve. We are exploring the whole area